Friday 10 September 2010

more email notes-viruses (friday)

Another problem with email is the amount of spam or junk emails recieved. Spam emails are generally received my people you do no know, either promoting a special offer or trying to get you to visit a site. Some website providers have spam filters. However if the spam filters are not very efficient people soon start getting loadsd of spam every day. It is very time consuming to go through and delete these. Also if a delete selected tool is used and block select it is very easy to delete an important email along with the spam.This can cause the productivity of businesses to suffer as workers have to spend time sorting the spam mail out.

Spam can also overload the file size limit on email service resulting in potential server crashes, especially in business, hampering productivity. This can be common as most spam emails contain large picture files.

Spam can also contain contain virus and malicious software. This can be viruses that damage integural computer programs which can crash the computer. This slows work down and can result in either having to reformat the hard drive, or get a new computer. Both of these take a really large amouint of time which could prevent deadlines being met.
 They can also contain keyloggers which record what keys are pressed. This can be used to find out password and bank details so the person who made the virus can steal personal information and money.
There are also viruses that can copy files from the hard-drive to the maker. These can be used to copy confidentual files which could drive a business bankrupt or even compromise national security.

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